Monday, November 07, 2022

As I read

I'm sometimes awe struck, what is on the pages grasps me, holds me, and won't let go. Is it something you know, something you feel, or something you yearn for? I'm not sure. What I am sure of is that a book that can hold you tight, is one that will give you new life. 
Another prospective, another view, another feelling about life, maybe your life... 

    "It was odd to be thinking so lucidly that my mind was working even though I felt so disassociated. I finally sat there on the ridge, raptly looking to the east, but it was still like looking down from a great height. The smooth snow-covered ground glowed with a brilliance, the veins of creeks and rivers flowing like shining thread that stitched the land together.
    Oddly enough, alone there, I wasn't afraid. I felt a peace with whatever fate had in store for me.
    What was it Bidarte had said. That all haunting was regret.
    Nothing moved now, but the vaporous light was reassuring, along with something else in that far distance - the insistent ring of bells."

Craig Johnson, "Hell and Back"

This is the latest novel of the Walt Longmire series, one that I will read again as I devoured it in a few days, one of those you can not put down. I have read his complete series and it really helps to understand this book and his writing. If you only read this book you will not understand the significance of Hell and Back...


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