Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Spring 2020

has been another interesting experience for us in our new home. Though we have been here 18 months so far, we are continually finding new surprises.

Now that we even have more time at home, Marg & me are focusing on the yards again. We are still awe struck in the amount of design that went into the yard originally. Yesterday we uncovered a smaller brick walkway buried under a couple inches of soil.

The colors are simply amazing to behold. We have one group of 4 Azalea bushes that are blooming in 4 different and vibrant colors. There are two shades of coral, the white blooms looking like snowballs and the reds are eye popping.

Some of the Azalea bushes out front have bloomed for the first time since we moved in. These are under our white Dogwood tree that is in full bloom. The Azaleas were planted on each side, one white one coral, back to back on each side of the trunk.

Speaking of Dogwoods, the first fall/winter we were here we had to trim back a massive Elm tree on the north side of the property. One limb was about 30' long and covered the wood deck and almost reached the pool. The limb was so big that it cast a large amount of shade over various plants and trees. One such hidden gem was a red blooming Dogwood. During the first winter I spent quite a bit of time trimming a reshaping most of the trees and bushes. The red Dogwood was not doing well and the first spring after the winter trimming only produced a couple of blooms. This year it has taken off, now that it is getting enough sunlight producing numerous beautiful red blooms.

In one area of the back yard there are the remnants of a Koi pond. We confirmed this by inviting over one of our neighbors that has lived across the street since our home was built in 1988. He remembered the pond and other parts of the yard including a gazebo that is no longer here. Initially I was kind of excited about the pond, though after extensive research, I figured that it was not for me. Plus Marg would have become attached to the fish and well they would die or get eaten by another critter and well you know...
So there it sat kind of ignored on purpose, mainly because I couldn't figure out what to do with the area. Yesterday the light bulb went on and the basis of my design idea was partially cleaned and uncovered.

Our intentions are to fill it with a beautiful ground cover called "Purple Heart". While retaining the original shape and design and finishing it with a Japanese Maple that I am growing from a shoot off of one of the 3 Japanese Maples in our yard. The Purple Heart should grow in quickly and give us yet another vibrant color to add to our backyard palette.

Well enough for now on this bloom report, of we go into our little chunk of paradise to see what other gifts we will find...


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