Thursday, November 17, 2016

Yes it feels

kind of weird. Wallowing in my self initiated exile...
Though I find it interesting that what's being reported (yes you can gather news, real news without Facebook) is that I am not the only one that's removing myself/oneself from the "social media" world and the overload/stress that come from being addicted. Yeah I am still shaking a little as I type, withdrawal symptoms have set in...

My newly developed quest is to try and post/express positives and stay away from the oh so many negatives in our lives that we are bombarded with almost every minute/second of our waking lives. The curse of certain forms of technology.

With that semi, little itty bitty negative statement made, here is my positive statement/post for the day, or should I say; "I am turning over a new leaf"...

Colorado weather even after 44 years sometimes still surprises me.
We were @ 81 degrees yesterday:
The problem with trees is they always leave you with something...

Today we are @ 31 degrees and snow, with a lot of moisture in it, thank God, we need the moisture in a bad way. 
The Colorado snow fall to me is one of the most calming sights/experiences that a person can encounter. A quiet, and smell that you can't truly explain with words, some of you will remember...


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