Sunday, October 30, 2016

Tending to the herd

Motoagriculture, yep that's what I am now a master of. With 50 in the herd there is always something that needs fixin', fed or corralled. Thank God I do not have to breed them!
I now have even more respect for farmers/ranchers taking care of their herd and grazing land.
As a motoagriculturist extraordinaire I spent this amazingly hot end of October day, trying to finish up herd maintenance before winter sets in.

Replace a clutch cable
Replace a front tire
Replace a fork seal
Diagnose a no starty fucky problem, then fix it
Air up them hooves
Diagnose/fix a slipping clutch
Fix The Mule (Junior) belching problem (exhaust pipe just about ready to blow off, loose studs).

Rotate the stock from one container to another
Test ride the shit out of each of the animals I worked on (got to ride 'em like a student, ya' know).

All work done in a fenced in corral around our two 40' steel barns for our trusty herds storage.
No bloody knuckles! 
Only (yes only) a few expletives verbalized, we had a class going on near the corral. 

Couple of days before I had to do maintenance on our "grazing field" (parking lot). There was a massive divot that showed up, engineers said it was ground water problem. A few of my most trusted instructors/cowpokes and I felt that a meteor had hit the west end of our field and bounced/skipped at least another 1/2 dozen times down the parking lot/grazing land leaving smaller divots. 

Anyway we were able to repair our field damage (painting a lot of lines and dots) after the massive asphalt repair trucks came in and tore the shit out of our lovely field.
Ah life of the motoagriculturist.

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