Thursday, August 17, 2023

Oldtimers test results

 can sometimes be discouraging to say the least. 

Well, today I passed with slowly flying colors...

The test,

You look at your most used clock to know what time it is. The trusted clock shows 10:40am. How many seconds/minutes does it take to realize there is something wrong? Then how long to find out what time it actually is from first looking at the dead clock?

Test scale:

  • 5-30 seconds = awesome (plenty of wiggle room)
  • 30-45 seconds = okay, could use some improvement though...
  • 46-60 seconds = well let's see now, what can you blame the lag time on?
  • 1-2 minutes = you forgot what you were doing
  • 2 + minutes = you need some serious help, why are you waiting this long to figure out what time it is? Who cares at your age, really...
  • Your original thought was that it was 10:40 pm = you are toast! Time for the padded cell.

When I looked at the clock and it showed 10:40 am, my first thought was; "how did I get all this done so quickly"? then my second thought was that the clock had stopped, only a handful of seconds to realize this possibility. Next action is to look at another clock, oh shit, I can't read that clock from this distance, then the old reliable look at the micro. All in less than 15 seconds. 

All is well until the next time.