Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Patience I'm told. 
I was told that I lack this virtue ? 
I have cursed my lack of this skill.

Raising the same two Orchid plants for over 15 years means you have patience, no matter what you see/witness from me. 
If you have never taken on this endeavor of Orchid management, then you probably would not understand.

An Orchid plant will bloom once a year if you are fortunate and you keep to a specific regiment. Having taken classes on Orchid's has taught me that it is a partnership, yep a partnership...
So in my 15 years of Orchid partnership I have witnessed or should say been blessed with 2, yes 2 blooms in one year. Some years there have been no blooms at all even though I continue with my patient management of the plants, always praying for that magical bloom. The Orchid bloom is well, let's just say devine. Few can appreciate an Orchid bloom as so many have never had the patience to develop the bloom.
I have only seen 2 natural Orchid blooms in the wild (Hawaii), though I have had 12 years of Orchid blooms in our home. 
Once many years ago, now twice, I will have 2 blooms in one year! A very unusual occurrence. 
Below are pictures of the second bloom  of 2017 starting, it should pop open any day now.

I find it interesting that not only is the plant blooming twice this year, I have two separate shoots with blooms. I have never witnessed this on either of my plants!


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Only 25 days

Marg gave a speech today in front of her peers. When she read this to me last night for practice, I was brought to tears...

Only 25 days until Christmas. A time when we celebrate the Birth of Christ – but we also get caught up in the business of the holiday season.

We are busy shopping in hectic crowds, waiting in long lines at busy airports, trying to bake just a few more dozen cookies… life seems to get busier and busier – a bit out of control to say the least.

There is just never enough time!!!

From: The Applause of Heaven by Max Lucado


If you have time to read this chapter, you probably don’t need to.

If you are reading slowly in order to have something to occupy your time… if your reading hour is leisurely sandwiched between a long stroll and a good nap…if your list of things to do today was done an hour after you got up… then you might want to skip over to the next chapter. You probably have mastered the message of the next few pages.

If, however, you are reading in your car with one eye on the stoplight… or in the airport with one ear listening for your flight… or in the baby’s room with one hand rocking the crib… or in bed late at night, knowing you have to get up early in the morning… than read on, friend. This chapter is for you!

You are in a hurry. America is in a hurry. Time has sky-rocketed in value. The value of any commodity depends on its scarcity. And time that once was abundant now is going to the highest bidder.

A man in Florida bills his ophthalmologist ninety dollars for keeping him waiting one hour.
A woman in California hires someone to do her shopping for her – out of a catalog.

Twenty bucks will pay someone to pick up your cleaning.

Fifteen hundred bucks will buy a fax machine… for your car.

Greeting cards can be purchased to express to your children things you want to say, but don’t have time to: “Have a great day at school” or “I wish I were there to tuck you in.”

America – the country of shortcuts and fast lanes. (We’re the only nation on earth with a mountain called “Rushmore”.)

“Time”, according to pollster Louis Harris, “may have become the most precious commodity in the land.”
Do we really have less time? Or is it just our imagination?

In 1965 a testimony before a Senate subcommittee claimed the future looked bright for “free time” in America. By 1985, predicted the report, Americans would be working twenty-two hours a week and would be able to retire at age thirty-eight.

The reason? The computer age would usher in a gleaming array of advances that would do our work for us while stabilizing our economy.

Take the household, they cited. Microwaves, quick fix foods, and food processors will pave the way into the carefree future. And the office? Well, you know that old stencil machine? It’ll be replaced by a copier. And the files? Computers are the files of the future. And that electric typewriter? Don’t get too attached to it; a computer will do its work, too.

And now, years later, we have everything the report promised. The computers are byting, the VCRs are recording, the fax machines are faxing. Yet the clocks are still ticking, and people are still running. The truth is, the average amount of leisure time has shrunk 17% since 1973. The average work week has increased from forty-one to forty-seven hours. (And for many of you, forty-seven hours would be a calm week.) 

Why didn’t the forecast come true? What did the committee overlook? They misjudged the appetite of the consumer. As the individualism of the 60’s led to the materialism of the 80’s, the free time gained for us by technology didn’t make us relax; it made us run.

Gadgets provided more time…more time meant more potential money…more potential money meant more time needed… and round and round it went. Lives grew louder as demands became greater. And as demands became greater, lives grew emptier.
“I’ve got so many irons in the fire, I can’t keep any of them hot,” complained one young mother.
Can you relate?

When I was ten years old, my mother enrolled me in piano lessons. Now, many youngsters excel at the keyboard. Not me. Spending 30 minutes every afternoon tethered to a piano bench was a torture just one level away from swallowing broken glass. The metronome inspected each second with glacial slowness before it was allowed to pass.
Some of the music, though, I learned to enjoy. I hammered the staccatos. I belabored the crescendos.
The thundering finishes I kettle-drummed. But there was one instruction in the music I could never obey to my teacher’s satisfaction. The REST. The zigzagged command to do nothing. Nothing! What sense does that make? Why sit at the piano and pause when you can pound?
“Because,” my teacher patiently explained, “music is always sweeter after a rest.”

It didn’t make sense to me at age 10. But now, a few decades later, the words ring with wisdom – divine wisdom. In fact, the words of my teacher remind me of the convictions of another Teacher.
“When He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountainside…”
Don’t read the sentence so fast you miss the surprise. Matthew didn’t write what you would expect him to. The verse doesn’t read, “When He saw the crowds, He went into their midst.” Or, “When He saw the crowds, He healed their hurts.” Or “When He saw the crowds, He seated them and began to teach them”. On other occasions He did that … but not this time.
Before He went to the masses, He went to the mountain. Before the disciples encountered the crowds, they encountered the Christ. And before they faced the people, they were reminded of the sacred.
Before you “face the masses” try to spend some time with Jesus on the mountainside.

Have a very Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Brother Steve

Brother Steve's birthday coming up. Watch the video, all of it (adult content) let me know why I chose this video for him. This is a test of how well you know Steve, my bro, happy B-day!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Off to work I go

"honey I am about ready"...

Are the kids ready for school? not sure I am to focused on the damn money again. She has been on me about how little money we have, with the needs of the kids and all. I am trying my best but it is not my fault.
I served and now I am trying to serve again to earn a living for my family and me. We are real tight, stuck in this barely livable home, with rent so high we are struggling. Dang we even gave up the TV can't even watch the games I am working. Well I hope to be working for a little longer, this boycott is killing us, the lowly stadium workers. It's not affecting those rich people that the protest is about, it is killing us the lower, much lower middle class. I haven't thrown more than 50 bags of nuts in the last 2 games. My friend Ron at the turnstiles said he is being laid off after this game, no one is coming through the gates. My other friend Katie, she has two kids, father left months ago, she was laid off two weeks ago from parking. Only two of the main lots filled last game, and there are 8 lots.
What are we to do? we all agree about respect, but we have to choose our battles carefully, who is really being hurt? Those rather rich players, owners, and leagues? they will easily weather the storm. 
For me it brings back terrible memories when the baseball players went on strike, for what? more money, do you think they thought of us, taking good care of their fans...My father was considered one of the great bag tossers, he could send a bag to a smilin' fan from three rows away, spot on. Then the boycott, then well let's just say he disappeared, couldn't handle the shame of not providin'.

What are we to do, I served, yeah a soldier (Marine) I know I am not the smartest, though I do understand what my parents taught me. Honor & respect especially for your country. Though now I am not sure I will be able to serve anymore, the fans that are not showin up. 
All because one man could not show respect.

"Honey, I gotta go, love you, be strong and pray".
I am not happy as I leave my wife and kids, tomorrow was ice cream night. The kids loved it and mom well let's just say she smiled a lot. Now without my usual pay we are cutting back again, extras, needs & wants. I want to be a provider and a good father, but here comes that train wreck again. First one destroyed my parents & family, thank God I joined the Marines, 3 squares and a bed, guaranteed, thank God for my country. I will always show respect, what I was taught on so many levels.
Now what am I to do, I have tried getting a job as a janitor, but the line was so long I had to come back two times just to fill out an application. I don't live as close to the building to clean as to the stadium. 
I can walk to my job at the stadium, I would have to take the bus to the cleaning job, which pays less so we would be cutting back, where? We already shop garage sales for clothes, and live on a lot of rice and beans. My wife and I are strong on; "the kids come first", she has given up so much, cause I can not provide...
I don't blame the fans, I know that a "day at the game" can set them back easy $200 or more each, times what? 20-50,000 people. Yeah I ain't so good at math but, well I am pulling in maybe $100 a game now including tips (well let's just say who's team is winning is in the fan's wallet)
Just hope someone will stop the madness so I can provide, maybe win back my self respect for providing for my family. 

Guess that lonely (bet he is pretty lonely now) football player never really thought about the consequences of that one fateful day, disrespecting the symbol of the country I served and so many died for. 

The only ones he has hurt were us, the ones that took care of "his fans"...

In my mind there are always 2 sides. 
One started what they thought was a symbolic protest, another started what they thought was a symbolic boycott. Neither thought of the results of their actions, for us the people who serve. It takes one second to make a decision that forever will affect your life, and maybe others.
 Think about that.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Stuffed Spaghetti Squash (Originally Written Sept 2017)

Yeah, I never envisioned this one before.

I have been using spaghetti squash for over 38 years and came up with this one yesterday.

Spaghetti squash stuffed with marinated pork tenderloin tips, onions and various spices. Roasted in the oven with deep fried Brussel Sprouts and gravy.
Hungry yet?

The fried Brussel sprouts & my gravy are separate recipes. (Generally you have to pay for them...)

Average/large sized squash.
About 3/4 lbs of cubed pork tenderloin tips, dry rubbed with Carolina seasoning mix and a small amount (very small amount of thyme) marinated for 3-4 days.

Open the top of a well balanced (sitting in the pan) squash.
Clean out the seeds, feed them to the squirrels another meal thereSpaghetti squash seed fattened squirrel, yummy!

Sprinkle garlic bread seasoning around the inside of the squash, drizzle white truffle oil, ground pepper, tarragon & Thyme (small amount). Cram (do not break the shell of the squash) the tenderloin into the space mixed with cut onion (white sweet). Add a dollop of butter and drizzle with dry Marsala wine. Cap and cook @ 375 for 60-120 min (size dependent, longer better).

To serve, clean out the pork from the squash, then clean out the strands of your squash into a bowl, add a little more butter...
Place the squash in a bowl, top with the pork and gravy, serve the Brussel sprouts on the side in a separate small bowl.

This is the base recipe, amazing results. Give it a try and play with it, my next stuffed spaghetti squash recipe will be with lobster...


Friday, September 01, 2017

The blank stare

OK, I now have my new way to amuse myself, NO not like you are thinking...
I walk into my local Verizon store, difficult well really very difficult for me to do. I have prepared myself for this day for over a week, yeah really! I have finally figured out that it is not that people do not like me, they do not like how I try and communicate with them. Reply to a hand written letter, answer their phone or an email no way, if you ain't textin, I ain't listenin...
I have the shakes, nervous as all get out but I have to be strong... I am scared shitless of technology and my lack of understanding, no wait it's my lack of desire to have more of this useless crap in my life.
Thoreau did just fine on Walden.

As I come up to the counter I see a young 20ish woman very ready to try and assist me. Smiling face, "how are you today", a very pleasant professional greeting. I look at her replying "just fine thank you, how are you?" as I set my trusty dilapidated flip phone on the counter, asking if I can look at their "basic phones" or flip phones.
Dang if that smile didn't disappeared in a hurry, though I will give her credit she jumped right in, probably thinking who is this fossil...
Trying to impress her with my technical knowledge I ask if she can demonstrate how to text using the T9 feature on a flip phone.

The blank stare.

She says; "yes you can text from your phone or the two we have in stock".
I then try again with my superior knowledge; "I know I can text from my phone but it does not have the T9 feature, you know where you start pushing the buttons and it recognizes common words and auto fills".

Blank stare, again...

OK I am trying to be patient with someone that does not have the superior knowledge of technology that I have. I then whip out my trusty flip phone and show her, on this phone you have to push the #2 three times to get to the letter C.

The blank stare, and now the dreaded I lost them frown is starting to show.

Again I try and communicate with this alien behind the counter and tell her I would like to try one of the phones that has the T9 technology to see if a feeble minded idiot like me can use it properly...

That silly blank stare.

Got to give her credit, good out, as she said; "I'm sorry the two phones we have in stock, we can not demonstrate on, you would have to buy it to turn it on...
Out of respect I let her win and thanked her and walked away.

Though I am only going to stalk the next 20ish sales person, carefully, maybe a guy this time and see if they can grasp my superior technological knowledge so I can join the 21st century...

"Ma please tell, yes tell me Ma do you text, say it ain't so, you're my last hope...


Thursday, June 29, 2017

I am nobody

though ...

As I look down the aisle I see you slow, stumble and sit on the side of the refrigerated dairy case.
As I approach and ask if you are all right, you smile and look up telling me you are fine.
As I sit next to you I can see my manager looking at us with concern in his eyes, is there something wrong?
I ask you what can be done to help and you say that you want to sit for a bit and then want to go to your car.
We sit awhile and talk, then I stand and ask for your hand as you rise. I take your arm and we walk to the car. As you enter the car I can see a grimace of pain as you close the door smiling at me through the window. You tell me your daughter will be along soon, and thank me. 
I am nobody, though I care.

Months later your daughter comes into the store to find me. She tells me you are in the car and have asked about me.
I walk out to the car and there you are looking out the window smiling as I walk up. You say hello and we talk...
I am nobody, though you care.

The crash was horrific for you. You lay on the pavement telling me how bad your head hurts. I lay down face to face with you and we talk, trying to control the fear you feel, assessing your injuries, at the same time communicating the facts to the first responders. As you calm and relax we even share an intimate laugh, then the EMT's do their job.
Months later you come back through a class, graduating and tell me you are fine.
I am nobody, though you returned.

As I lift the heavy shovel full of snow I start to feel bitter, why am I doing this? 
To serve you is to serve God. Takes me a moment to regroup as I dig in. It has been what 9 years now? Cleaning your driveway, walk and steps. Why did I start this task? well that's easy, it just needed to be done. There were no expectations just a simple prodding from God. " I gave you strength, go now and serve". I do this because you've realized someone cares without wanting anything in return.
I am nobody, though I serve.

As we drive up it is obvious you have crashed.
Your bike is in the middle of the road, a couple of people standing around and there you were bleeding.
As we talk I figure out what your needs are, then administer the basic first aid that I was trained for. You're missing a tooth, your chin has a big digger in it and you are coherent. Good news. Thank God you were wearing a helmet, though if you would have been wearing a full face, well your face would've been full. 
You are able to tell me a family member is on the way to take you to a hospital. You are standing, eyes look good, I fix your chin and I move your bike from the roadway. A few minutes later your family member arrives and off you go. Latter I learn that not only did you bugger your face you also broke your neck. Glad to hear you are fine, next time don't be distracted by your radio...
I am nobody, though I stopped.

There I was, no place to turn, done, don't want to do it anymore and the damn phone rings, really?
Why did I pick up? Why stop the self pity? Why move on?
You are talking and ask the right questions, speak the right words, how did you know? well God sent you. 
As we talk I come down from my funk and start to relax. 
I am nobody, though you were there.

As I watch the crash it is fast, hard and violent. They move towards you but are not sure. Moving forward I see multiple factors. You are down and out, and they are not sure of what needs to be done, blood on the pavement, and EMT's are on the way. 
The audience, well they are awe struck. Right in front of them a crash. 
The audience is managed and the blood is inconspicuously washed off the pavement, back to class.
I am nobody, though I directed.

As I look ahead the road is obviously slicker than snot on a glass door knob. In the distance the white car starts the ever deadly dance.  The rear wheels want to lead, on it comes. Scanning I see two choices, slow and maybe ditch or a head on. As you sit next to me your eyes widen and look over at me, am I worthy to be your son in law, well let's see what happens. As the oncoming car slides past us on the left and we continue on though, somewhat in the shoulder, you look over and smile, job well done! Well God did the work I was just His vessel.
I am nobody, though I was driving.

Two of us on the track. No one else around and let's just say it's a beautiful day to ride. I was sitting in the pits taking a break from my session watching you ride, but you never came back? At first I was thinking maybe you blew a tire, or went off and you will start walking over the hill at any moment. 
At the track sometimes there is nobody around to make sure you come back, other than a brother rider.
I am prodded by well, you know Who... I jump on my bike Sally, and as I come down the back stretch there you are. Low sided into the corner and down you went. You are down, helmet off and you are let's just say a ghost. You are coherent, eyes are fine but your left thumb is a mess. Yes in shock a 1/2 mile from anywhere but we can fix this. I get you to lie down, feet propped up on your broken bike and off I go to the pits for water. When I get back you are much better, though that thumb is definitely pointing in the wrong direction. 
I get you up, you stand. 
I get your bike up, you mount. 
Your bike starts and off we go to the pits, you and me brother. 
You show balls and tell me you are fine and will deal with your hand telling me you do not need help loading your bike. No worries. Then you thank me for coming out to look for you. 
I then tell you a brother never leaves another.
I am nobody, though I searched. 

As I was rushing into finish what I needed, there they were. The bus was stopped and the two of you were off loading. Best guess at least 10 people you two had to manage up and into the library. 
Frazzled is a great word. 
If you witness it and walk away what are you? As I slowed my pace and figured out what needed to be done, one of you looked at me with a smile and thanked me, a true utterance of gratitude not a platitude.
I am nobody, though I slowed for all of you.

There you are in the front of the store with your usual stumbled crumpled walk and difficult speech. Looking ahead I see a mother walking past holding her daughter's shoulder. The mother looks towards you and pulls her daughter close. I approach you and offer my sincerest greeting. As you look up head tilted and speak, although I am not sure what you have said but I wait and offer my friendship. As you speak again I struggle to understand, though in my heart God tells me what you are saying. You are the same as me, a person moving forward in the struggles of life. I will always take time for you whenever I see you walking around town my friend.
I am nobody, though we are the same.

As you came to the door of our home I could tell something was wrong. You told me that he should not be here and needed to leave. 17 you were. As I walked out the front door there he was, obviously with a few more beers in him than he needed. As the confrontation moved on the swings started and then the offensive language. I deflected the blows and did not return fire. Slowly he realized that he needed to leave and was not welcome here anymore. You started to calm as he left and went into our home thanking me. Lesson learned.
I am nobody, though I would die for you.


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What a week

and it all started 9 years ago.
In 2008 the state of Colorado introduced 3-wheel safety training to our state. At that time I could not afford the cost of the instructor prep training plus the lost income of not working for 8 days.
Since 2008 I have taken the class as a student multiple times and "kicked" cones for our instructors when we held a class at Iron Buffalo. Since Marg & I took over Iron Buffalo 5 years ago, we have repeatedly tried to come up with the $9-10K needed to host an IP. Thanks to changes in our state motorcycle safety training program, they (Colorado) were able to foot the bill and on March 12th, 2017 the second S/TEP IP (Sidecar/Trike Education Program Instructor Prep) was successfully finished. All of the 6 instructor candidates passed and are now certified S/TEP instructors for the state of Colorado, including yours truly. I do not ask our instructors to do anything that I won't do. Of the original 8 graduates in 2008 there is only 4 left training in the entire state. Realizing this growing problem 5 years ago we made every effort to replenish the instructor pool thus graduation day 2017 was a dream come true. 3-wheel vehicles are far more dangerous to ride than the general public realizes. They are also much more physically demanding to ride than the general public realizes. Thus the need for the S/TEP curriculum produced by Evergreen Safety Council (out of Washington state). Their curriculum is by far the leader in the industry.
The S/TEP IP class was 7 straight days from 5am to sometimes 9pm (one day), this includes travel time. The class (IP) was a mix of classroom and range exercises helping us to understand how to teach the information and more importantly how to handle and teach the skills required to operate a rig.

The graduates L-R (Andrew, Deb, William, Wiff, Bob, Kent):

Andrew on The Burro 

Deb on The Burro

William on his trusty steed, The Mule

Wiff on his trike

Bob on the Great Pumpkin

Kent on his Harley (hardest rig of all to ride, great job Kent)

Anyway it was 3-wheel boot camp, extremely demanding, extremely fun (we all had a blast) and somewhat dangerous at certain points. 
Marg & I are blessed that Iron Buffalo has a group of instructor of this calibre to complete the training in a timely fashion. 
We were complimented numerous times by the Chief Instructor/Trainer, that this group of instructor candidates was the best prepared of any class he had taught in the last 18 years (think that is the number of years he said). 
Getting your student to turn their head and look through a corner is usually a difficult task. I have a favorite technique that usually works, producing a laugh along the way...

"Turn your head, look at me, yeah I know it's painful"


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Colorado snow

My God
     it is still so beautiful 
As the flakes fall I reach a new calm
     life changes and all is well
A Colorado snow

If you have not cherished one
     lived through 40 years of them

I still love them
     I still wait for them
A Colorado snow

As I look out the window
     the past becomes clear
The future starts to change
     maybe tomorrow will
Be as beautiful as this moment

A Colorado Snow


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Eye of an artist

Until I went to the Open Air Museum in Holland with my wife (who studied/practiced art), I never really understood what art can be or how to appreciate what a person is able to create.
My wife had opened my mind/heart/eyes to art.
Think for minute, heck maybe a day or two, about the greatest artist of all time? 
Yeah just look around you right now at His creation. If you are/can see outside what do you notice? I see firsthand as I am writing a remarkable light blue sky dotted with pillowy white clouds, with just a hint of gray. The trees visible from my view are two different winter trees. Aspens with their cotton ball white bark and barren of leaves, with a Colorado Blue Spruce to the right showing off that distinctive dark green/blue color. I can also still see the green lawn of my neighbor accented with the unmelted snow from earlier this week. 
All this from a view inside looking out as I sit behind my desk. 
No wait, the sun just went behind a cloud and well you know everything changed, or that difference a single shift in time can bring. 

When was the last time you actually stopped what you were doing, texting on your phone (as you walk head held down) and just looked at the magnificence in front of your eyes?
Or when was the last time you swept your hand across a texture that well let's say intrigued you? 
Last time we were in Hawaii I asked my brother in law to stop and pull off the road. I saw a pine tree that I wanted to feel, yes feel. I had never seen this type of tree before and well sight, touch and smell all came together in an art form. A pine tree...
All of our senses need to be used to understand and appreciate art, it is not just a picture on the wall to look at. 
It can be as simple as sitting in the neighborhood park on a bench with my wife at twilight. We take in the remarkable view we have of the sky and the front range as the sun starts to set. All on a spectacular evening during a mild fall day. 
The sky and clouds actually looked like the surf hitting the beach. Yes, with a type of inlet swooping around to the left...
Guess you had to be there, the colors were magnificent. 
This was a gift from God for us together as we appreciated His art. As the sun settled behind the mountains and the light started to fade, He sent us an owl who flew over us calling out "hoo hoo." We knew that this was our art appreciation moment for the day/month/year. 
True story.

As I looked at the board and ran my hand over the surface I started to realize that I was in awe. There in front of me was a person's artistic vision put down through mosaic glass on a snowboard. Yeah, when was the last time you fixed your eyes upon and felt artwork like this? Maybe never?

The whole board is covered with individual pieces of glass. Each individual piece combines to make an image from the artist's mind. All of this was done from her mind's eye, there were no preliminary drawings made.
Think about this; the artist envisioned, the artist crafted the glass and the artist created a spectacular image on a snowboard. Wow!
This artist has also done this type of artwork on skis, picture frames and tabletops. 

Art is something that you can find anywhere. You just need to see what is usually right in front of you. When you discover something awe inspiring take that moment, even a short moment to actually see what you are looking at. 
Create a memory. 
Heck, if you can buy it, hang the piece on the wall and then appreciate it every time you experience the artwork...


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

6 Gun

A good friend sent me this link today. Great video about an amazing machine.

Jay Leno's Garage and 6 Gun

Guess I am not the only one with good taste...
Presenting our unrestored original 6 Gun.

Sunday, January 01, 2017

First ride

for the year 2017.

As things were quiet on the home front, for various reasons...
Time to get The Mule out.
First time this year, weather was bearable, 40 degrees + or - a few.
Four layers of upper body gear, winter gloves, thermal underwear and well looking like the Michelin Tire Man I was ready.
An hour later my right foot was rather cold, The Mule had ran like shit for the whole ride but I started my New Year with a ride.
Going to ride more this year, one way or another.

Felt great! Time in the saddle makes me smile and well, feel whole again. Nothing but me, my trusty steed and the road ahead.

Happy New Year!