Sunday, January 04, 2015

Sledding in America and suing...

WTF? Really? What has our country come to;

I remember (long time ago) crashing into a light pole; 
head on, on a sled with a friend in Jersey. 
Nice hill I might add! 
Mom & Dad had no sympathy, yeah OK, so I did not have any broken bones showin' or much blood drippin', but do you really think my parents first thoughts were to sue?

Get the F' out of here.
They gave me the usual you dumb ass why don't you think about it FIRST before you do it the next time talking too...

Over the years, up in Breck with Stacey & Kirk, sledding was one of our families greatest joys! They had the ultimate sledding roads in front of their home. We would take the truck to the top, couple of sleds, couple of not so "sue happy / yet to be happy" sled occupants and let 'er rip!
Who ever was driving the truck had to make sure there was no vehicles coming up the road and away we went, yes with children on board and having a blast.
We used the real old school sleds with steel runners, that you had to steer by hand, oh and did I mention FAST! 

The real before litigation labeled vintage units from Marg's childhood.
Yeah just a family enjoying sledding without looking to sue someone, times gone past.

What a waste our current society really is, people just do not get it anymore, bunch of money grubbin' pussies!
By the way, weight has a definite advantage when you are looking for downhill speed, a little slow gettin' going but usually first at the bottom, that is if you don't wreck on the way down!
Of course size 14 boots make for "very" excellent rudders to help steer your rig during the trip down the mountain.

Yeah that's me on the left, winning I might add!

Sledding; making children glow, parents smile/tired, and people just enjoying the finer times of life...

When are we American's going to join together to protect our rights and freedom?
Rights/freedom to have a blast with your family without worries, rules and regs...