Monday, September 15, 2014

De Plane, De Plane...

Never underestimate the imagination of a child.

As you were growing up, how did your parents interact with you?
Was it to let your mind go (that of a child) or to direct a path that they felt would be the best for you?
For me, what I remember was encouragement from my parents to do what I wanted, within reason. They always supported my change of direction and tried to support my next endeavor.
As a parent I have been able to figure out that I did not always encourage my children to follow their mind first, instead of mine or my wife's.
The only way to see this difference, the mind of a child, is to really listen, hear, think, think again, yes and maybe again, is this possible?
Why not? 
Do you have the time it takes to let a child's mind wonder? 
Make it a yes
To me letting go is one of the greatest times that I can spend. I focus on my grandchild's desire, imagination and ability to have fun, without spending all of the money or risking too much injury...

My latest adventure with Bryce was his request for a plane.
Well, for me trains have been pretty easy, but planes? 
Out of my comfort zone (well not really), they have a motor, wheels, seats and these silly things called wings???

"Poppy can we build a plane"? He asks me, how can I say no.

The first 15 minutes I spend are looking around dad's garage for build parts.
Bryce already had his platform together (kind of) and had an image in his mind of the grand design.
He wanted a propeller, a power plant that produced exhaust and a way to drive/fly his plane.
Simple enough for him, but mind boggling for me.
How can I help him create his plane with our limited resources.
As I am wandering around his dads garage looking at all items that are available for us to use, my first thought is, will dad/mom be mad if we scrap/use this? or will they be upset if we alter this piece of wood, tool, scooter, egg crate, tent, car, tool box, tool bench, rake, shelving, or basically anything available in the house...
After our 1/2 hour tour of the garage/house for supplies, I am still unsettled...
Nothing to make a go of it without getting in trouble. 
There is a lot of good stuff in this house to make an airplane, but, but, but, can we do it without getting in serious trouble? 
Doubtful. Blaming Bryce doesn't work anymore, they said; I was supposed to be a responsible adult

So my dilemma is; that Bryce will say; "dad won't care" if we use this or that, or modify this tool, cut this piece of wood, cut holes in this storage container and so on. 
I know the painful truth, some of the stuff is off limits for our feats of engineering genius. Oh well Wilbur and Orville had it tough also. Not to mention their mechanic, that is credited with saving the Wright brothers endeavours, because he could fabricate, repair, or fix anything they wanted to use or that they screwed up.

Needless to say this pre-build mind session has been the longest I have endured so far. We are talking about airplanes, these things fly in the air, don't you have to have some kind of serious education to make something fly? 
Cause when they hit the ground... 
F' no, you just need a 10 year olds imagination, some zip ties, power tools, a helmet and perseverance.
Here is the unveiling of the prototype (the cheering crowd and TV crews are behind the camera), sorry...

You will see our propeller (aircraft certified), our platform, steering, ground power plant (Bryce) and supplemental power source for possible take off dad's exhaust producing generator. 
What you need to understand is that Bryce had previously envisioned what he wanted to do and started on the project earlier. He had the pivoting decks attached to his turtle with skateboard wheels underneath. He quickly found the propeller (paint mixer), drill (he kept telling me; "dad has one around here somewhere") and the generator...
OK, so you ask; a generator, really? 
Why the F' not, the damn drill is electric, I am not going to run after Bryce trying to keep the extension cord untangled, or try and produce the exhaust he wanted. 
Though I have been known to produce exhaust once and a while.
Bryce had it all figured out in his mind before we even started. Kind of like how Mozart could see/hear the music before he wrote it down. Pure genius!

For me this was a truly unforgettable process. To realize my grandson's mind had envisioned a desire, started to work on it, asked for help, did a lot of the work with guidance, and then was willing to be the test pilot upon completion! 
Seeing his smile on the first of many test flights was payment enough for the stressors involved in ransacking your daughters house for supplies to give a 10 year old enjoyment. 
Maybe I should ask them for an allowance, maybe get some sponsorship, no wait that didn't work with the little red grocery cart idea...

Shit, what if he asks; "poppy can we build a rocket"?
No wait, I know how to set gas on fire! Easy as pie...