Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pew Poll ~ Iron Buffalo reaches a new landmark...

True story.
Normally we do not toot our own horn, however this story is about a turning point in the history of Iron Buffalo.

Since Iron Buffalo began we have done our own market research. Personally asking each of our students where they had heard of Iron Buffalo. 
We are required by the state to complete a roster for each class. 
So we simply added boxes, pictured below in gray, to be circled (or make notes in) as our instructors checked the students in. 

"Where did you hear about Iron Buffalo?" 
Simple enough and very informative. 
Our instructors have done an excellent job of gathering information for us to use in the marketing of our company. 
In the beginning responses were 90% Google, then slowly friend/relative (word of mouth) became tops, meaning the Ferengi latinum of advertising.

News flash ~ Iron Buffalo reaches milestone!

On December 11, 2014 Iron Buffalo reached the stars! 
This is what our instructor put on the roster...

We made the wall of fame! 

The earth shook, time stood still, the stream flowed smoothly, and all was right in the world...

When our instructor asked how they (our student) had heard about us, this was his response;
"I was in a very nice bar in Denver; in the men's room and there was a competitors flyer on the wall above the urinal."
"Someone had scribbled out the competitors name/phone number and wrote in Iron Buffalo's name and number!"  
When he was finished with his business he Googled Iron Buffalo, then signed up and took a class from us!

We have decided to add a pew poll  to our market information gathering efforts...

Up yours Google and your expensive Adwords! 
Lets see the giant do this kind of advertising for a small business... Free of charge.

So think about this (men you will understand); when you are in there, there's a lot of junk hanging out, you know your mission, eyes straight ahead, get'r done, wash/dry your hands and out you go. 
What you see in front of you as you are doin' your business is all that matters. Low and behold there we were, handwritten (pretty talented dude I might add, a one hander...) was Iron Buffalo's name & number next to a crossed out name/number of one of our competitors. 
Shit, this guy rocks! 
I need to meet him! 
I probably won't shake his hand though; but really, one handed, has a pen with him, writing, and spelling correctly.
I'm in awe. 

In the crapper I am one of those stagefright kind of guys... 

Question is; "does he know how to ride as well as he knows how to, well you know, get his business done while writing?" 

No I am not doing anything other than writing at this moment, really...

Initially we were heavy into Google Adwords as our #1, and we paid massively for this blessing from the omnipotent Google to bring us up to the top.
Top of page one is KING! 
How many times do you go to any other page? 
Tell the truth now, please...
I dare you; take the time to click on page 5,6, or 7 and see what you find, do you have the guts, or are you into instant gratification via Google?

Truth is that it does work, but it is way too expensive for a small business to maintain. 
Lord help you if you piss off Google (yes you can do this). They will drop your business like Jimmy Hoffa's boots in a heartbeat, right to the bottom of search la la land (can you say "page 10!").

So my question is; "how much validity is there in a pew poll, especially one taken in a crapper?" 

Well, we'll take what we can get... 
Think of your ROI!

Guess we'll just have to start washing those handgrips on the trainers from now on...


Monday, September 15, 2014

De Plane, De Plane...

Never underestimate the imagination of a child.

As you were growing up, how did your parents interact with you?
Was it to let your mind go (that of a child) or to direct a path that they felt would be the best for you?
For me, what I remember was encouragement from my parents to do what I wanted, within reason. They always supported my change of direction and tried to support my next endeavor.
As a parent I have been able to figure out that I did not always encourage my children to follow their mind first, instead of mine or my wife's.
The only way to see this difference, the mind of a child, is to really listen, hear, think, think again, yes and maybe again, is this possible?
Why not? 
Do you have the time it takes to let a child's mind wonder? 
Make it a yes
To me letting go is one of the greatest times that I can spend. I focus on my grandchild's desire, imagination and ability to have fun, without spending all of the money or risking too much injury...

My latest adventure with Bryce was his request for a plane.
Well, for me trains have been pretty easy, but planes? 
Out of my comfort zone (well not really), they have a motor, wheels, seats and these silly things called wings???

"Poppy can we build a plane"? He asks me, how can I say no.

The first 15 minutes I spend are looking around dad's garage for build parts.
Bryce already had his platform together (kind of) and had an image in his mind of the grand design.
He wanted a propeller, a power plant that produced exhaust and a way to drive/fly his plane.
Simple enough for him, but mind boggling for me.
How can I help him create his plane with our limited resources.
As I am wandering around his dads garage looking at all items that are available for us to use, my first thought is, will dad/mom be mad if we scrap/use this? or will they be upset if we alter this piece of wood, tool, scooter, egg crate, tent, car, tool box, tool bench, rake, shelving, or basically anything available in the house...
After our 1/2 hour tour of the garage/house for supplies, I am still unsettled...
Nothing to make a go of it without getting in trouble. 
There is a lot of good stuff in this house to make an airplane, but, but, but, can we do it without getting in serious trouble? 
Doubtful. Blaming Bryce doesn't work anymore, they said; I was supposed to be a responsible adult

So my dilemma is; that Bryce will say; "dad won't care" if we use this or that, or modify this tool, cut this piece of wood, cut holes in this storage container and so on. 
I know the painful truth, some of the stuff is off limits for our feats of engineering genius. Oh well Wilbur and Orville had it tough also. Not to mention their mechanic, that is credited with saving the Wright brothers endeavours, because he could fabricate, repair, or fix anything they wanted to use or that they screwed up.

Needless to say this pre-build mind session has been the longest I have endured so far. We are talking about airplanes, these things fly in the air, don't you have to have some kind of serious education to make something fly? 
Cause when they hit the ground... 
F' no, you just need a 10 year olds imagination, some zip ties, power tools, a helmet and perseverance.
Here is the unveiling of the prototype (the cheering crowd and TV crews are behind the camera), sorry...

You will see our propeller (aircraft certified), our platform, steering, ground power plant (Bryce) and supplemental power source for possible take off dad's exhaust producing generator. 
What you need to understand is that Bryce had previously envisioned what he wanted to do and started on the project earlier. He had the pivoting decks attached to his turtle with skateboard wheels underneath. He quickly found the propeller (paint mixer), drill (he kept telling me; "dad has one around here somewhere") and the generator...
OK, so you ask; a generator, really? 
Why the F' not, the damn drill is electric, I am not going to run after Bryce trying to keep the extension cord untangled, or try and produce the exhaust he wanted. 
Though I have been known to produce exhaust once and a while.
Bryce had it all figured out in his mind before we even started. Kind of like how Mozart could see/hear the music before he wrote it down. Pure genius!

For me this was a truly unforgettable process. To realize my grandson's mind had envisioned a desire, started to work on it, asked for help, did a lot of the work with guidance, and then was willing to be the test pilot upon completion! 
Seeing his smile on the first of many test flights was payment enough for the stressors involved in ransacking your daughters house for supplies to give a 10 year old enjoyment. 
Maybe I should ask them for an allowance, maybe get some sponsorship, no wait that didn't work with the little red grocery cart idea...

Shit, what if he asks; "poppy can we build a rocket"?
No wait, I know how to set gas on fire! Easy as pie...


Saturday, July 05, 2014

Year of the Orchid

Having time to pursue your passions is what life should be about. Not working X number of hours a week so you can make your payments...

I have tried very hard to eliminate the clutter in my life. A lot of this clutter was self imposed because of the needs & wants issues. Do I need a roof over my head and food on the table, well yes. Do I need the best of everything or just what will fill my true needs? I need to go to work, but can I walk, take a bus, ride a bicycle? Or do I drive a new car with large payments and expensive insurance?

This year I have actually spent time slowing down to witness/document the cycle of the orchid blossom. 
The old saying of stop and smell the roses should be; slow down and witness the cycle of the orchid blossom
The whole event starts with the shoot that comes out of the middle of the plant that you know is the blossom branch. Yeah for me this is exciting just because you do not know when or how many blossom's you will be pleasured with; or more importantly how long you will be blessed with the beauty of the orchid blossom...
Today I actually noticed something profound to me, something I had never seen before, or should I say; "taken the time to see"
How an orchid blossom dies. 

One of my plants that peaked with 7 blossoms, showed signs of the blossoms dying today. After I really took the time to look at the plant, I could see one blossom was dead and three others were in the process of dying. Upon further study, I could see three distinct steps to the orchid blossom manner of dying. This revelation came after 6 months of the visual enjoyment and tending to the orchids. 

Sometimes though I did not spend the time to enjoy their visual beauty, right there under my own eyes...

If you look at the picture above (the white orchid), you will see the blossom in a perfect state. 

The following pictures show the 3 stages of death of the orchid blossom. 

This first picture is one of the blossoms that is just starting to show the signs;

This second picture shows the beginning of the curling of the inner part of the blossom;
This third picture shows the final stage before the blossom falls off the stem (probably tomorrow). 
A complete curling or closure of the inner part of the blossom. With the petals showing progressive signs of deterioration. Almost as if the petals are made of tissue paper. 

Orchids show beauty in birth, life, and death.

With life there is always death, what we choose to make of the journey in between is up to us. 
What are we missing that is right there in front of us, and do not spend the quality time to appreciate...


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tactical Bacon and the Trebuchet...

Well I survived another hard day  flippin' burgers at work in a kitchen the size of the interior space of a Mini Cooper. The original Mini mind you, not one of those fancy new ones with the vast interior spaceA kitchen with a normal operating ambient temp of 95-100+ degrees.

So, when I finally got home and sat in front of the 'puter to finish my work related to the MC business. I figured that my feet and knees hurt way too much to walk down the stairs into the man cave so I could veg out in front of the TV, and low and behold I came across this web site (yeah I am whining today but I hurt...).

So far the "Tactical Bacon" (10 year shelf life, yeah baby pork fat rules! Read some of the reviews, I'm not the only one...)

is tied with the "Stirling Warwolf Trebuchet"

for the number 1 item(s) I would purchase with my hard earned "sweat labor" pay ($9 an hour mind you).
That is if I really felt that I could not live without either of them (wants/needs), huh, let me think about this...They could be a really cool combo though, right???

Another thought; "Shit, if I order them both I could get free F'n shipping"!!!

Think about it.

OK so I am bored/tired after a long day slaving in a 100+ degree kitchen...

If I had in my possession both of these things earlier, I would have rather been sitting on my deck under foliage/camo cover, savoring tactical bacon, launching miniature boulders off of my nifty Trebuchet at my neighbors!
All I would have to do is have the patience to practice with numerous mini boulder projectiles, various trajectories, atmospheric conditions and of course, most importantly, consider if the spouse is home...
Additionally I would have to make sure that the neighbor is not home during any of my various critical testing sessions. They might come out to investigate the various thumps on the roof, the dog yelping, or shattered glass if my aim sucks...

How many beers is this going to take...

Eat Tactical Bacon.

Gather projectiles, smooth ones that will launch perfectly and fly without resistance to their target.

Eat Tactical Bacon.

Heck, maybe I'll get me one of them stone polishing machines, no wait that will blow my budget, no wait I can get free F'n shippin' on all three items!

Should I use some kind of lubricant on my projectiles, olive oil? Got lots of that around...

Eat Tactical Bacon.

Shit, I just figured it out, lube the projectiles with bacon fat!
Damn, sometimes I even amaze myself...
Think about it, they might fly quicker, quieter and farther, but here is the real bonus! Wait, wait, wait for the brilliance to settle in (sure hope mom is not reading this).The dog would eat them, the savory smell of bacon fat. Evidence gone...Boom Batta Bing Baby!
Why the F' not, how many of you can say this was how you wasted your afternoon?
Yeah well I know, none of you...

I would be launching miniature boulders at the ones (neighbors) that either have a barking dog, or the one (neighbor) that traps the neighborhood squirrels in his yard (that they were feeding), because the squirrels tried to get into their house through their open door, duh! All they had to do was shoo them away and quit feeding them!
The same squirrels that we loved to see on our fence and our grandchildren loved to feed peanuts to (another story). Heck we even named one of the squirrels!

Back to the simple facts, pork fat rules!
How many of you remember the muleskinner from Dances With Wolves?
Shit he was eatin' the bacon right out of the cast iron frying pan, couldn't even wait for it to cool down.
Why do you think them injuns killed him? For his bacon, duh!!! They could smell it from 10 miles away...
The smell of cookin' bacon can drop a Trebuchet boulder carrying warrior to his knees.
Yeah really, and those guys were mean ass bitches!

That is, as long as they did not drop the Trebuchet boulder, on their "Poor-toe"...


"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut."

Thursday, April 03, 2014

New Addition To The Herd...

Some of you will understand what this story feels like, others of you will say; "WTF"...

Well Marg & I have completed buying more motorcycles and various parts for our training fleet (now at 44 motorcycles).
The problem is that one of them makes me stop an ponder it's future and to write this story.

Do I send this young buck to the battle front? Or do I hold it back and savor its athleticism and stamina to hold out to the very, very end; and never, never, never fail me?

I am actually thinking about draining the fluids out and mounting it on the wall in the living room; no wait my wife would finally realize I am insane and that I needed to be committed, no wait we can not afford that, she could afford a 25 cent bullet but doesn't own a gun.
These are some of the problems in life...

After teaching for over 8 years and riding hundreds of motorcycles, you start to bond with some of them. Some actually touch your heart by what they can do, or what they can put up with.
One that will ever hold a place in my heart is the Yamaha GTS1000, if you have ever been fortunate enough to have ridden one, or taken it to the track you would understand.
Another is the Honda Nighthawk CB250. This bike is the Marine grunt (yes) seriously, of the motorcycle safety training realm. They are the "war horse" of the front lines.
In my opinion the best engineered and designed tank for living a life as a trainer.

Only some of you that actually read this will understand...

Here I have a Honda Nighthawk with 852 actual miles on it. It has maybe seen one or two training classes in its short life (bet it got the crap scared out of it! They never told it about the students on the assembly line, ha). If I put it in the shed with the other older more experienced nighthawks; (some with over 10,000 training miles) what do you think they will start to tell this young buck?

"RUN,RUN,RUN now before you are hammered like we have been. We still have the stamina but no longer the heart. Some people should never ride a motorcycle, period!
They think a clutch is indestructible, they think you can rev the crap out of us and it will do no damage to our internals, they think that the brakes are to be grabbed and jammed, they think that a tip over/low side is like, oh well not my bike, show us some respect, PLEASE!" 

"You young ones have no idea how it is on the front lines. I would suggest that you spin a main and shell yourself now, look at us, some of us have been in this shit hole for over 20 years and these people keep fixing us and sending us back to the front line".

"Some say the Marines are the real men, well let them sit in our shoes for a training season, they all would run home screamin' and crying to their mamma's after two classes!" 

The black one is the virgin (852 miles! Really)

I can sit on a Nighthawk and ride it a few feet and feel its pain, or as with this one it's naivety as to where it is going. 
Kind of like what I would perceive as the glory of young men enlisting. Becoming hero's and such... 
No disrespect intended to anyone in our armed forces, I appreciate what you have and will do for our country!
Just making a comparison of a machine to the machine, of our fighting men and women. 

Anyway, looking back at the miles I have logged on one of these bikes is staggering, as it would be for any instructor who does safety training as their livelihood. 
You get very comfortable with the bikes and can feel any slight difference between them. You start to have your favorites and the ones that you just stay away from; kind of like the proud old gray mule in the corner of the corral just darin' you to come over, get me to move! I'll kick you in the... if you try!

Me, I still pull that old mule out to show it who is boss; and who still cares for the service it has done, all these long/tough years. 
Every body including the 300+ pound person that sat on or almost crushed one of these grunts, was taught something by that trusty steed and the instructor. The bike was never applauded, but sometimes a student would run their hand over the tank slowly, almost a caress, saying thanks...

Good enough for me, and good enough for our trusty steeds...


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Kaytucky Chicken

For quite a while I have been board with the internet, always going to the same sites and really not expanding my limited horizons. Well one day I stumbled upon "".
I don't remember how, but it has become a weekly adventure for me.

You enter in some of your interests, kind of like Pandora, and then you give various web sites you like a thumbs up or down, it learns from your tastes...
Anyway, obviously one of my interests is food and cooking, the following two recipes (base) came from stumbleupon.

"Kaytucky chicken" (, once I read the recipe I knew I had to give it a go, well Marg was in love, again...
I did tweak the base recipe some and included my gravy on the dish.
I included "Hasselback Potatoes" from with some minor tweaks. The results are what you see below.

(The peppers are miniature colored bells stuffed with the same filling that goes into the chicken breast).

Here we go;
Large boneless chicken breast (one is enough for two people). Marinated in Italian dressing for 1-3 days, in a zip lock, in the fridge.

Thaw a large sheet of puff pastry dough in the fridge (at least a day before).

Start your gravy (at least an hour before you intend to serve).

Cook your bacon (cut up, easier to crumble), set aside and keep some of the fat warm.

Beat an egg or two for your puff pastry, set aside.

Cream cheese mix;
whipped cream cheese (easier to mix), crumbled bacon (has to be well done, low and slow), I used both fresh parsley one time, and dried cilantro another (your choice), spring onions (not to much of the white part, strong flavor), soy sauce (small amount, taste, change the color slightly), garlic powder. Mix all together completely and set aside.

Set aside enough of the cut spring onions and bacon crumbles to garnish the potatoes, along with enough cream cheese mixture to put a dollop on top of each potato.

Clean your potatoes, skin on (one per person). I then micro'd them about 1/3 the normal time. 
We found out the potatoes were not done the first time I made this dish (you bake it all together per the Kaytuckey Chicken recipe, temp/time). Slice the potatoes, but not completely through, add butter and fresh garlic slices (thin) in between each cut (you can use garlic powder instead if you do not have fresh).

Clean 2-4 miniature colored bell peppers (per person), cut stem off and remove all seeds and most of the membrane that the seeds are attached to (mellows the flavor of a pepper). Let the inside dry out (turn upside down to drain). Once dry inside, put a drop or two of EVOO in the bottom and stuff with the cream cheese mixture and set aside.

Take a sip or two of wine...

Drain your marinated chicken breast. Trim off the very thin end (it will over cook) and any unwanted fat, slit the breast at about a 45 degree angle (not all the way through) and stuff with your cream cheese mixture, yeah stuff it!

Put your pastry dough out on a flour sprinkled surface and figure out how much you need to wrap the breast. I usually use a whole sheet per breast. You might need to roll it a little bit to cover your breast (if it is a big one!). Then brush the puff pastry with the warm bacon fat just the size of the breast, lay your breast upside down onto the dough. Figure out how you are going to wrap your breast and seal the seams with your beaten egg, turn the sealed breast over and put into a greased or sprayed (non stick) roasting pan. Brush the top of the dough with the beaten egg mix, add your potatoes and stuffed peppers (drizzled w/EVOO) and bake per the directions (30-35 min. @ 400F).

Remove from the oven and let cool for 5-10 min. Cut your breast in half, place on a plate with your potato and peppers. Cover the chicken with gravy, garnish your potato with green onions and bacon (in between each slice) and drizzle gravy across the top, add a dollop of the cream cheese mixture to the top of the potato.

Now you're talking, sit down and enjoy...


Saturday, February 08, 2014

The 1/2 hour "Cooking Show"...

Don't get me wrong there is a lot to be learned from these shows, but unfortunately what they are teaching us is that you have to be able to create a meal in under an hour! If you are a really good cook you can do the meal in under a 1/2 hour...This is BS!
Why do we have to rush one of the greatest experiences we are provide with from God? Eating and the experience of food. All of your five senses are involved in a good meal; sight, sound, smell, taste, and feel. Think about it, eating is as good as sex, maybe better...
I won't go there, but sit back take a breather and think about what and why you eat.
Is it just to make a turd as a good friend told me as he ate a power bar, to get him through lunch?
Sounds offensive but why do we eat? To nourish just our body?
Or should we be eating to nourish our soul...

I am not a head chef, a chef for hire, or a restaurant owner, but I have had formal training, worked as a cook, prep cook, private chef and have cooked for my family for over 30 years. In that time I have learned that eating is one of the greatest experiences in life. It should not be wasted, taken for granted; or God help us rushed...

Listed below are seven of my signature dishes and the base for my gravies. The recipes are not posted complete, just the idea of the meal. If you want the nuts and bolts, are family or a close friend drop me a line and I will give you the goods.
Each of these dishes take at the minimum 1 + hours; most are 2+ days, yes days... As I am typing this article I am in the middle of one of my 2-4 day recipes. Drunken Chicken. More on this later.
To me the total time to prepare a meal is the thought/planning of the meal, the acquisition of ingredients, the preparation, the actual cooking time, and the plating (presentation). None of these steps can be rushed, as we are taught on most cooking shows in this day and age.
Many years ago I started to watch the original "Iron Chef " from Japan (Fuji TV). I was hooked by what these chef's could do in 60 minutes, it was mind boggling. This was the original cook, under time constraints show and I feel that all of today's get it done quickly food shows have evolved from there.

My time consuming meals.

Pulled Pork (1 week, top tier time wise)

Marinade a pork shoulder roast (dry rub) for at least 2-4 days. (Kind of hard to get the pig to stand still...)
Marinade the pork shoulder in New Castle beer for 2-4 days. (The pig usually does not mind a New Castle bath)
Cook for 8-12 hours (low and slow).
Cool down for 1 hour.
Pull the pork (remove fat, bones).
Put the pulled pork in a pan with au jus & beer and warm up.
Serve on a nice bun with sweet relish.

What's the rush?

Lobster "Williamberg" (1 to 1 & 1/2 days)

Blanch lobster tails until slightly red 2-4 minutes.
Remove from pot, cool down (1/2  hour)
Remove shells and clean lobster meat (1/2 hour)
Package lobster meat for tomorrow, yes tomorrow.

Go to bed, got to get up early tomorrow...

Start your lobster sauce by throwing all the shells (even add shrimp shells if you have them) into a large stock pot, add other ingredients and start the long, long, long, process of reduction. As your day winds on you will keep adding water, tasting, changing, tasting, reducing, adding water...
You will then remove and strain all of the ingredients in the stock pot. Next you mash the shit out of the shells and veggies through a sieve into the stock pot so you have a very, very, very rich broth. You will need to strain again (even finer, you only want the broth left).
Next you continue with the reduction, tasting, making changes, tasting and when you are sure of the taste, start with the final reduction...
During the day of reduction you will have also have made a simple lobster salad (w/mayo and other ingredients); cooked the best artichokes you can find removing all leaves and silk so you have a perfect 3-4 inch round heart, trimmed so it fits nicely in a ramekin.
As you finalize your sauce you will start to thicken it; it has to be the consistency of a light mud, not runny, not liquid, not hard...
Thick because you will use so very little, about 1-2  tbsp per serving (the flavor intensity is amazing).
Next you build the Lobster Williamberg; artichoke heart on the bottom of the ramekin. A little butter,  a little grated Parmesan cheese, the lobster salad, a little fresh grated cheese and a little browned (bay leaf infused) panko flakes on top. Put your ramekins into a water bath, and into the oven for about 30 minutes, remove from oven and drizzle your sauce over the top. Serve with broiled shrimp & homemade cocktail sauce, and bay leaf infused butter seared scallops.
Now we are talking about a meal! Only 10 people have ever had this creation, yeah they are still waiting for the next time...

Drunken chicken/turkey (1-4 days). I got the idea from an Alton Brown recipe from one of his 1/2 hour shows...
Marinade a whole chicken/turkey in; one cup brown sugar (dark), a half cup of kosher salt, one cup of bourbon (or more), and water. The chicken/turkey needs to be completely submerged in the fluid. I mix the bourbon, salt, and sugar mix in water to dissolve before submerging the whole chicken/turkey. Let it marinade for 1-4 days (in the fridge). Drain bird, (give it a sobriety test, walk the line!) add seasoning (your choice) and cook how you like. Tonight I am smoking the whole bird on the grille (apple wood chips, thyme leaves, rosemary leaves).
Sometimes I flavor the bird with a spice mix and roast in the oven.

Lobster shrimp ragu. (6-8 hours)
This is a recipe that knocks the your socks off!
The wine that I have in our cellar is a critical part of the meal. The wine has a distinctive pepper finish to the pallet.
The basis for the meal comes from the following cookbook;
"The Scotto Family, Italian Comfort Food".

First you blanch the lobsters, cool, take the meat out of the tails, set aside in the fridge, put the shells in a stock pot and start your ragu base. Add the trinity (carrots, celery, onion), water, spices, shrimp shells, olive oil and reduce for at least 4-8 hours, keep adding water, tasting, adjusting and reducing. To finish the reduction you have to mash the shells, trinity and spices with a potato masher and then strain fine. You now have your base for the ragu. Add your tomatoes, paste, and olive oil and simmer, simmer, and simmer, adding fair amount of pepper (red), again let it simmer for 2-4 hours tasting, adjusting and fine tuning. Once the sauce is ready, prepare your pasta, and at the last minute add the raw shrimp and blanched lobster chunks to the sauce. Cook for about 3 minutes and it is ready to serve over your pasta with a nice loaf of fresh bread, fresh parmo, and wine.
WOW, one of my all time favorites, if you have ever tasted this, remember???

Sushi...(1-3 hours)
If you have never had real or excellent sushi before then this is not for you...
Or should I say you are scared to try sushi? Something I have heard many times.
It tastes like fish, come on, you should know that fresh fish does not taste like the general public's perception of fish.
The only way to learn how good sushi can be is to go to a good sit down, go out to eat restaurant. A good sushi meal is very expensive, be prepared, but do your research and find a reputable restaurant and go for it! Sit at the sushi bar not at a table to get the full experience.
As your meal progresses ask the Chef to make you something off the menu, this can be exciting and is a complement to the chef (telling them that you trust their judgement). Give it a try!
The art of sushi is amazing, it is about freshness, aroma, taste, presentation and satisfaction.
Just how I feel about it...

I have taken two sushi classes just to learn the basics, and wow, what an art sushi is. Many sushi artists spend years as apprentices to learn the trade. How to select, to cut, and how to prepare.

The rice is critical for good sushi. To make and prepare sushi rice you need a good rice steamer and a wood sushi rice bowl. Then the knowledge on how to use them properly. Take a class, kind of fun once you get into the art.
The ingredients are the most important part, you must have a good fishmonger to buy from, look around and you will find one.
Marg & I have a favorite sushi fish that can be hard to find, (in Colorado) Escolar. This is a nice creamy white fish that is very oily so be careful how much you eat. Google Escolar and read some of the warnings. In 20 years of eating this fish we have never had any gastro problems.
Another must is the proper prep and making of Tamagoyaki or Tamago. This was taught to me in one of the classes I attended. You will need the proper Tamago skillet and a lot of patience. Remember it takes time to create. This is my wife's favorite, if I do it properly.
I like the preparation of sushi the most, it is fun to let your guests help in the prep. Show them how to build, roll and get messy.
All of the rejects are good fodder for trying harder, no waste!

Eggs, butter, garlic & cream on a warm baguette...(1 to 1& 1/2 hours)
This is a recipe I came across while reading "White Truffles in Winter" an excellent read.

"White Truffles in Winter imagines the world of the remarkable French chef Auguste Escoffier"

To start, gently, yes very gently (no air bubbles) whisk 6 eggs, set aside, peel a large garlic clove, put a 1/4 - 1/2 pound (yeah that much) of premium salted butter in a large skillet, start to melt slowly, take the large garlic clove skewered on the end of a long thin knife, slowly, yes very slowly stir the butter with the garlic clove as it melts. Do not let the butter heat to quickly, if it is starting to bubble you have to much heat, low and slow, continue to stir. Once the butter is fully melted (15-20 minutes or so) add the eggs, very slowly, season lightly (S & P only) and continue to stir with the garlic clove (slowly) as the eggs start to thicken. Continue this process until they are slightly wet, not dry, remove from heat, split your warm baguette (6" or so) on a warm plate, drizzle with heavy cream, add the eggs to the baguette, open face.
Enjoy and feel your arteries harden...

Spaghetti Squash Casserole. (1-2 hours)
I think this is the one that won my wife and daughters...
I remember the first time I made this over 30 years ago and the look on their faces when I told them what we were having for dinner. Then their smiles when they took their first bite, second, third and so on.

Large fresh spaghetti squash, spinach noodles, zucchini or yellow crook neck squash, mushrooms, spaghetti sauce (home made is best) parmo /reggiano grated cheese, shredded Colby/jack cheese, spices.

Cook the spaghetti squash in the micro, saute your zucc/yellow squash, prepare the noodles al'dente, combine all ingredients in layers in two deep casserole dishes (one to freeze for another time), bake covered, then remove the covering and melt/brown the cheese topping.
I still do not remember how I came up with this one other than by looking around the pantry and formulating the recipe from available ingredients.
This has been a family favorite ever since.

Gravy/sauce (1/2 to 2 hours)
The soul of any sauce is the ingredients and how you manipulate them into a sauce/gravy that can stand alone.
Like the old saying; "you could put that on a boot and eat it".
One sauce that I use is derived from my mother and her sour dough recipe. Each time I make my pulled pork I add some of the juice from the previous roast. Kind of like sour dough starter.
This juice from the roast is one of my sources of stock, for certain gravies. My current jar of au jus was started 2 years ago. Thus, this sauce would  become the ultimate as far as time goes, over two years to make...

Gravy; start with your stock of choice and start your reduction. Flavor with spices, Marshalla wine, soy sauce and continue the reduction. The base of the gravy has to be intense as you will mellow it once you are close to serving. Again just keep reducing to intensify the flavors. Once you are about a 1/2 hour from serving you start the mellowing process with butter and cream (1/2 & 1/2 is fine). Once you have the taste and color you want, thicken to your preference.

The pleasure of eating is being taken away from society by the madness that we ourselves create.
I remember another cooking story that I have enjoyed and learned from.
The author tells about his quest to prepare a 12 course Victorian meal. He went so far as to use a period wood/coal burning cook stove for the cooking of the meal.
Quite a story, I recommend the book.

"Fannie's Last Supper" by, Chris Kimball.

For me the basis of the story was that over time we have developed ways to save time, and yes I feel this is good. The problem is that once we create more free time, we immediately fill the void with some new useless waste of time or technology. Instead, why not slow down and enjoy what is right in front of you.

He wrote; "This has always been the promise of science, to alleviate the less desirable aspects of the human condition. The problem of course, is that technology has taken away too much of what defines humanity, leaving us with little that goes to the heart of being a useful, happy person."

Our lives should be about balance, work and free time both.
With the 5-6 hours of free time from working; what have you decided to do with the extra time you now have?
What the author was able to recreate with his 12 course meal was true social interaction, with rewards.
We do not have to search for fulfillment. We have to realize it is staring us in the face everyday.
My fulfillment comes from the idea, the creation, the taste, and watching people enjoy a meal.
Remember a good burp once and a while is a good complement to the chef also...

As a cook/chef, one of the greatest compliments I ever received came from a family member (no names, they will know).
They are well know for the speed with which they eat.
I had spent 1 1/2 days preparing my "Lobster Williamberg" meal for them at their house for a special occasion (this is very difficult to do, since I had none of my own toys to use). The dish is served in a small ramekin because of the richness. The family member dug in at their usual speed and after 3 spoonfuls of the Lobster Williamberg I noticed that they had changed. They chewed, smelled, closed their eyes as they swallowed and started to smile. Once they had finished their portion, my wife & I offered up the remaining portions we had left to them, we have enjoyed it before and will again.
They then proceeded to finish ours in the same wonderful fashion...

Through experiencing food someones life had been changed...

Time you now have?
With rewards everyday,
a meal.